Gîtes for rent in Champagny-en-Vanoise

Home La Bartavelle Les Barmés Prices Booking Access Links

For getting information on the wished periods…
For booking…
For asking any complementary details on the 2 gîtes…

 Please, contact as from now :

 Lydie & Hervé PEPEY
Chalet La Bartavelle
La Louze
73350 Champagny en Vanoise

Tel : +33 479 55 06 14
Cell. phone : + 33 671 19 65 53
e-mail : lydie.pepey@wanadoo.fr

Gîtes for rent in Champagny-en-Vanoise - Chalet La Bartavelle – Chalet Les Barmés
Home - La Bartavelle (2 persons) - Les Barmés (6 persons) - Prices - Booking - Access - Links